
Special Offer

Refer 6 or more friends to attend a course, and you will qualify for a free week-end course – inner healing, restoration and deliverance level 1 or 2


Cost: R950 – includes training material and light lunch.
Dates for 2021: 18 January, 13 February, 13 March, 28 April, 22 May, 17 July, 14 Aug, 23 October, 4 December 2021.

Have you continually received prayers for the same issues in your life with no result? If there is a flood of illnesses, financial problems, relationship problems etc. then there is a root that needs to be removed or a curse that needs to be broken. This seminar includes a personal pastoral care session where you will receive prayer and experience the breaking of bondages such as bloodline curses, vows and iniquities that are stumbling blocks in your life. You will also be equipped with the understanding and spiritual tools which are necessary to stand in victory in Christ Jesus. Many people have experienced physical and emotional healing after attending this seminar by applying these biblical principles, and after their personal pastoral care session. TOPICS COVERED: What is deliverance? Can a demon attach itself to a Christian? Can a bloodline curse or any curse affect me negatively? Spiritual warfare weapons. Signs that show you need deliverance. Spiritual mantles.


DATE: 26 – 28 FEBRUARY 2021 – Friday, Saturday and Sunday week-end
COST: R750 Adult. R550 Under 18 – Includes overnight accommodation and meals

In a broken world full of broken relationships and broken homes, we experience boys and sons that feel lost and without love. Many of them never experienced the love and guidance of a Father and this results in more relationships and families that can be broken. In this week-end camp, Abba Father is inviting all the boys to come and experience the love of your Heavenly Father like never before. Let your love relationship be restored with Him. Just like the father was seeking out the prodigal son to come back, so Father God is calling out to you as a sons to come and sit at the table He has prepared for you so He can bless you. Lets’ lay down the past so that Gods destiny for your future can become a reality. All boys are welcome, Fathers and sons.
SPONSOR A BOY – There are many children that needs the love of a Father and that will benefit from such a week-end camp that can be life changing for them but can’t afford it. If you are privileged and God is leading you to make a difference in someone’s live, do sponsor a boy. Contact the office for arrangements.

COME TO THE THRONE ROOM – Saturday and Sunday week-end camp

DATE: 27- 28 March, 28-29 August
COST: DAY VISITORS R750 (Includes training material, lunch)

Do you have a deep desire to connect more with God but you feel there is a block in the Spirit? Do you wish to know more about the Heavenly Realms? Then this course will open the gates of Heaven for you. In Revelations 4:1, The Lord called John with these words: “Come up here and I will show you things that must still take place after this.” And so Elohim is calling you as well: Come up here! The gifts of the Spirit is available to ALL according to 1 Corinthians 12:4. Come and experience the Throne Room of Elohim in a Real Life Tabernacle as described in the bible. Don’t miss out!

UNLOCKING THE FEASTS OF THE LORD LEVEL 1 – Experience the blessings that comes by celebrating the Feasts. – FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY CAMP

DATE: 9 – 11 April 2021

There are many Blessings listed in Deuteronomy 28 that God promises His children if we carefully listen and obey Him. One of His commandments was to keep the Feasts of the Lord, but this has faded over the years for many Christians. We want you to step into those blessings, so come and join us for this remarkable teaching to experience and learn what Gods’ seven Feasts are all about and that it is still relevant today. This teaching we will be discovering the Passover Festivals and Shabbat. Presented by Professional Jewish background guest speaker: Soreka Oosthuizen

UNLOCKING THE FEASTS OF THE LORD LEVEL 2 – Experience Gods Blessings by Celebrating the Lords Feasts, WEEK-END CAMP

DATES: 24, 25 APRIL 2021, Saturday and Sunday camp
COST: R950
DAY VISITORS: (Includes training material, lunch daily)
OVERNIGHT GUESTS: R1200 FOR  (Includes overnight accommodation, training material, breakfast, lunch and dinner)

There are many Blessings listed in Deuteronomy 28 that God promises His children if we carefully listen and obey Him. One of His commandments was to keep the Feasts of the Lord, but this has faded over the years for many Christians. We want you to step into those blessings, so come and join us for this remarkable teaching to experience and learn what Gods’ seven Feasts are all about and that it is still relevant today. This teaching we will be discovering the Spring and Fall feasts. Presented by professional Jewish background guest speaker: Soreka Oosthuizen


DATES: 7 – 9 MAY 2021, and 8, 9, 10 October
COST: R1500 (Includes training material, lunch daily and practical’s)

Friday 17:00 – 21:00, Saturday 9:00 – 17:00, Sunday 9:00 – 17:00. Accommodation can be arranged at an additional cost
A concentrated programme of teaching followed by some practical ministry experience. It is designed to help equip those who are seeking their own healing and deliverance and also those who have the heart to bring healing to others. This course will be life changing and open your spiritual eyes to what’s happening in the spiritual realm, come learn how to get victory over the attacks of the enemy and live a life of abundance as the word of God describes in John 10:10! Topics to be covered: SANCTIFICATION OF YOUR DWELLING PLACE, FROM CURSE TO BLESSING, UNDERSTANDING THE SPIRITUAL REALM, SPIRITUAL WARFARE WEAPONS, DEMONS AND DEALING WITH THEIR LEGAL RIGHT.

    There are consequences when you allow items in your home that are cursed or against the Word of God according to Deuteronomy 23:14
    Come learn more about items that are spiritually dangerous and how it gives the enemy legal right to attack you. Many people have experienced breakthrough over illness, financial problems, anger problems, after applying these principals. It includes a Spiritual House cleaning prayer…… to break bondage of the enemy over a home.
    Has the thought ever crossed your mind why certain illnesses or incidents like cancer or suicide, divorce or accidents keeps occurring in every generation of your family? In this extraordinary module you will discover how to identify various markers that the enemy can use such as bloodline curse, spoken curses or sin that causes affliction in our lives. What the legal right is and how to break the bondage that prevents your generation from being blessed. Includes a bloodline curse breaking prayer. Lamentations 5:7 : “Our fathers have sinned are not, and we have borne their iniquities”
    The Bible tells us not to be ignorant of the enemy’s devices. God’s word sheds light on who the enemy really is, what his strategies are and how he gains a stronghold in a person’s life. Also enhance your knowledge on the spiritual realm, dimensions and terminology such a : Astral projection, Silver Cords, Golden Cords, Lime Lines, gates, Gatekeeper ship, Human Spirits. And more.
    Do you find yourself up against a brick wall? Are you facing stubborn challenges that won’t yield? Maybe it’s time for spiritual warfare. It is possible to combat the forces of darkness through prayer. We need spiritual tools and techniques and insight to wage war in the spiritual realms and to break through to different dimensions. The Lord has provided all the tools we need. It remains our responsibility to use these weapons for victory in Christ. Come and join us for this extraordinary module and see how mountains can be moved through spiritual warfare. Includes a spiritual warfare prayer
    This module of effective deliverance is suitable for pastors, church leaders, those who wish to establish a deliverance ministry or those who are seeking their own deliverance. Understanding the characteristics and behavioral tendencies of evil spirits that can oppress and possess people. Come learn from the biblical context, the nature of demons and the various temptations to sin they use to get legal right in your life. Topics to be covered include, fallen angels and demons, their physical appearance, their characteristics, methods used to torment humans through dreams and emotions, prayer techniques to set people free who are in bondage.


DATES: 4, 5, 6 June and 5, 6, 7 November 2021 (Friday, Saturday and Sunday camp)
COST: R1500 (Includes Training material, lunch daily and practical’s)

Friday 17:00 – 21:00, Saturday 9:00 – 17:00, Sunday 9:00 – 17:00. Accommodation can be arranged at an additional cost
A concentrated programme of teaching followed by some practical ministry experience. It is designed to help equip those who are seeking their own healing and deliverance and also those who have the heart to bring healing to others. This course will be life changing and open your spiritual eyes to what’s happening in the spiritual realm, come learn how to deal with Soul Fractures that can affect you emotionally and where the rout lies spiritually. God wants to bring total healing in all aspects of your life. Topics to be covered: INNER HEALING OF TRAUMA THAT CAUSES FRACTURES AND SOUL COPIES (DID’S) , TECHNIQUES FOR EFFECTIVE DELIVERANCE AND MINISTERING, HOLY SPIRIT VERSUS KUNDALINI, LIVING IN THE LAST DAYS – HYBRID AND NEPHELIM SEED, FREE FROM OCCULTISM

When a person experiences devastating trauma or abuse especially in early childhood, a condition is formed whereby a person’s soul’s… dimension is fractured. Spiritually, it can further fragment a person’s personality into two or more distinct states. These individuals do not have control over which personality is in control and symptoms can vary from loss of memory……..
switching moods as if another person or spirit has taken control, aggressiveness or suicide. People that have fractures and soul copies need extensive inner healing and deliverance. In this amazing module you will learn how to spiritually identify a Fracture, Soul Copy, demonic Soul copy and Did (Multiple personalities). You will also learn how cope with people with this condition, how to get to the spiritual rout where after healing can take place through Christ our Messiah. Included is a Trauma healing prayer and brain healing prayer that will give enormous break through. Also receive opportunity for personal prayer.
Jesus’s ministry was a one of mercy. He healed the sick, opened the eyes of the blind, comforted the grieving and even raised the dead to life. The Bible speaks of Jesus being “moved with compassion”. He has a huge heart for suffering people. It is vital to know how to minister to people in crises. Also establish what your spiritual gifts are, the origin and legal right of certain illnesses or events and how to break the cursus and legal right over a person. With practical experience you will see healings take the name of Yeshua Hammasiah.
The Holy Spirit is real, and it is possible to have a tangible experience with Him. However, not every supernatural experience is from God and we should have a deeper study into the characteristics of Holy Spirit versus the evil spirit Kundalini. Taking part in certain Eastern practices can give legal right for Kundalini to control you. Some of the signs of Kundalini are aggressiveness and backache which have been traced from Karate / Martial arts, Hot stone therapy, Yoga / Pilates, Acupuncture and more. In this landmark module you will also experience a fresh anointing and deeper walk with The Holy Spirit.
There are several Bible prophecies that are currently in progress and very close to fulfilment. Come and learn what the bible says about the rapture, Nephelim and Hybrid species, The two witnesses, The mark of the beast and are we currently living in the last days.
Some people open the door for the demonic through curiosity, games, blood contracts or ungodly soul ties. The effects afterwards can be devastating and can haunt you for years. Join us for this full day course and come learn the tactics used by the enemy to draw people into occultism and satanism and how to remove the legal right for a free from bondage life through Christ our saviour.


DATES: 19 JUNE 2021 ,
COST: R450 per per person / Special offer for couples, R400 each

One night, Yeshua took me in the spirit to view the Record rooms in Heaven. There were thousands and thousands of files, scrolls, it was like a huge library with rows and rows of books. Here, He took me to a section and showed me my books or what we refer to as scrolls. He explained to me that it is all the records of my past, my failures, every word I have uttered, every good and every bad deed I have ever done, has been written down by angels. The bad deeds, sin I have done and bloodline curses that travel with me from birth, are called the Broken scrolls and rotten scrolls. These records are also available got satan to view. The enemy can access these records to re-create situations and re-occurrences to attacks children of God. He uses timelines, time periods in our lives that can be blocking our blessings. Yeshua showed me this room because of all the recurring attacks I was experiencing in my life. Yeshua also showed me my destiny scroll, it was a very thick file, these are the thoughts and blessings that God had intended for me to have from the beginning of the foundation of the earth. He also showed me how to pray to change my broken scroll and bad re-occurrences in the destiny scrolls that God intended for me. In this teaching, we will teach you that it is possible to see in the spirit, it is possible to change your broken scroll of your past hurts and failures to the new destiny scroll that Father God has intended for you so that the blessings of God can be poured out to you as stipulated in Isiah 29:11“I know the plans I have for you, noting to harm you but a hope and a future” The time is now, God is allowing us to enter another dimension to experience His ultimate favour. Are you ready? Are you willing to turn away from sin, and the past and to step into your new destiny? Then this teaching is for you!!


DATE: 18 September (Saturday 9:00 – 16:00),
COST: R450 – (Includes light lunch and art material)

Art therapy is a technique rooted in the idea that creative expressions can foster healing and mental well-being. Art, either creating it or viewing others art, is used to help people explore emotions, develop self-awareness, cope with stress, boost self- esteem and work on social skills. God wants to bring healing to all aspects of your life and He wants you to explore all your gifts. Come and enjoy a fun filled day were you can explore your giftings and receive emotional healing by doing that. Guest art teaching to present the day!


DATE: Saturday 20 November 2021 FROM 9:00 – 16:00
COST: R450 (includes training material and light lunch) 

Do you find yourself up against a brick wall? Are you facing stubborn challenges that will not yield? Maybe it is time for spiritual warfare. It is possible to combat the forces of darkness through prayer. We need spiritual tools and techniques and insight to wage war in the spiritual realms and to break through to different dimensions. The Lord has provided all the tools we need. It remains our responsibility to use these weapons for victory in Christ. Come and join us for this extraordinary module and see how mountains can be moved through spiritual warfare. Includes a spiritual warfare prayer.


31 July 2021 from 9:00 – 16:00
Cost : R450 per person / Special offer for couples R400 each.

Your spiritual mantle refers to your spiritual covering and authority and anointing and a mantleship and spiritual gift is given by God. Spiritual mantles can also be passed from one person to another. Come and join us for this extraordinary course and fine out what is your spiritual mantle and gifts that God has given. And also the responsibility it comes with to protect it from the enemy.


A service that Soldiers 4 Christ offers to the public to spiritually clean and anoint your home to keep away the presence of darkness.
The word of God says that God’s people perish because of a lack of knowledge. Often, we have items in our homes that gives the enemy, satan, legal right to control or attack us. Do you hear noises in your home or have items that move around in the house? Is there conflict in your home or financial losses or even illnesses that constantly arise? Do you experience certain rooms in the home to be cold? This might just be an indication of demonic activity in your house. The word of God is clear when it comes to our dwelling places that needs to be Holy. And this is to protect us from satan whom the bible tells us is walking around like a roaring lion, looking for anything to devour according to 1 Peter 5:8.
Deuteronomy 23:15 “For Adonai your God walks in the midst of your camp, to rescue you and to give your enemies over to you. Therefore, your camp must be holy, so that He does not see anything indecent among you and turn away from you.”
Through the blood of Yeshua, all evil will bow their knee and flee. Therefore, we recommend that you contact us if you need assistance with the above. The starting cost for this Sanctification service is R1500 for 3 hours of service.


Contact the office for further assistance.
Tel: 0746846472

RECORD ROOMS IN HEAVEN - What Legal Contracts are in your scroll?

Date: 11 December 2021
Cost: R450 per person

The record rooms in Heaven hold all the records of your life – every broken scroll, bloodline curse, sin, words spoken both good and bad are noted here by angels in scrolls. These broken scrolls can be the reason you are experiencing attacks and re-occurrence of events in your life as it vibrates for the enemy to use against you. The enemy uses time keys, time periods and timelines to attack us in this area. Come and learn more about your scroll and how to change your broken scroll through prayer to receive the blessings that God has intended for you.


Date: 25 September 2021
Cost: R450 per person/Couples R400 per person

Psalm 82 “God has taken up his place in the divine council. In the midst of the gods he holds judgment. In the council of the holy ones God is greatly feared.”

In the council of God, God meets with his divine council of 24 elders, and angels who act out assignments that were given to them. Here the plans for humanity were discussed and decided by God Almighty such as when God decided to help the Israelites to be freed from captivity, the decision of the flood to save the righteous family of Noah and to start a new bloodline for Christ’s coming, the Abrahamic covenant, The creation of the Torah, the virgin birth, the death of Christ and His victorious resurrection, the ascension of the Lamb of God and many more that is still to come until Christ returns.

God loves you very much, and what is going on in your life, or the adversaries and spiritual enemies you are facing, or requests you may have, is especially important to Him. As a child of God, your best means of success, is to seek God’s council and align with His plans for you so that He can open doors for you. In this teaching of The Council of God, you will have the opportunity to move in the spirit realm and engage with God, his angels and His 24 elders where He will hear your hearts cry or case.

It is all written on a scroll and handed to God the Father.

If your request aligns the will of God, He will answer you and send out His angels with assignments to accomplish what He has decided in your situation His angels will fight evil forces that are standing against you. This is a new realm that God has opened for His children because of His undying love for you. Do not miss out. Booking is essential.