UNLOCKING THE FEASTS OF THE LORD LEVEL 2 – Experience Gods Blessings by Celebrating the Lords Feasts, WEEK-END CAMP


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There are many Blessings listed in Deuteronomy 28 that God promises His children if we carefully listen and obey Him. One of His commandments was to keep the Feasts of the Lord, but this has faded over the years for many Christians. We want you to step into those blessings, so come and join us for this remarkable teaching to experience and learn what Gods’ seven Feasts are all about and that it is still relevant today. This teaching we will be discovering the Spring and Fall feasts. “In this teaching we will be discovering the Teshuva, Rosh Hasannah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot and Hannukah feasts. Presented by professional Jewish background guest speaker, Soreka Oosthuizen”

Presented by professional Jewish background guest speaker: Soreka Oosthuizen

Contact Number: 074 684 6472

Email Address: office@soldiers4christ.co.za

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24-25 April Day Visitors, 24-25 April Overnight Visitors