Eight laws to receive your healing 2025
Tuesday 11 November and 18 November 2025
19h00 – 21h00 (2 Day Course)
Cost: R350 per person
How do healing miracles happen? How do I pray for someone else to be healed? When does God heal? I prayed but I didn’t get healed, why?
The spirit realm is governed by laws, and healing miracles work according to those laws. In the Bible, Jesus showed us the components to receive a miracle and revealed the things that can stop miracles from coming to pass.
This course is based on Scripture and will bring revelation while providing tools for the practical application of God’s healing laws to see your miracle manifest. In this guide you will find:
The teaching of God’s laws that govern healing miracles.
An in depth look at the healing ministry of Jesus and how he ministered healing.
A glimpse of the actual progression of a miracle in diagram and list view.
Assessments to help determine where you are spiritually to receive your healing miracle.
A daily spiritual prescription to see your healing miracle come to pass.
Prayers for healing.
Healing scriptures and faith declarations to speak for your healing.
If you have heard teaching on faith and healing and still have trouble manifesting the promises of God, this course will take you deeper. Identify what blocks might be standing in the way of your miracle.